Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blap Rog Investigates: The Racism of the Past

Let's jump right into it; why is hating, fearing, or distrusting white people such a commonly expressed feeling within the black-dominated world of rap? Is it needless hysteria? A marketing ploy? Some kind of slavery resentment that should have died down decades ago?

No. White people are just despicable. Here, take a look at this comic book from 1978 (!!!)

Now, of course you could say that this is not the mainstream opinion among whites in that time, but the fact remains, someone felt this way. And how are you, the black man, supposed to know which whites are the "good ones"? Isn't it safer just to assume that the entire culture that created this is just poisonous?

"Hey now!"

You might say, "Things have changed a lot since then. Just look at our president, I voted for him and so did more than half the country. Surely that means that racism is dead."

Oh? Heard the story about the black Harvard professor being arrested in his own home after showing proof of residence? You know, Henry Gates?

In short, black man gets home from vacation, can't find his keys, breaks into his own house, someone calls the cops, police arrest man even after he has demonstrated that he owns house. Charges were something like "being an uppity nigger".

Well, I think it's probable that the officer was doing his job. I mean, the police aren't racist, are they????

Sorry white people, you fail again. Looks like some people still have to ruin race relations for all of you.Good luck next time you want to complain about affirmative action.

Oh, and by the way, the guy who wrote this is "not a racist".

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